Apple sandbox cloud
Apple sandbox cloud

apple sandbox cloud

Rm executable: /bin/rm -> rm -rf /v ar/log/sys tem.logĮxplicitly modifies time stamps using the "touch" command Touch executable: /usr/bin/t ouch -> to uch -c -t 2014091000 44 /etc/ma npath.d/Įxecutes the "rm" command used to delete files or directories Touch executable: /usr/bin/t ouch -> to uch -c -t 2014091000 44 /System /Library/L aunchDaemo ns/ le.MailSer viceAgentH is t Touch executable: /usr/bin/t ouch -> to uch -c -t 2014091000 44 /System /Library/L aunchDaemo ns/ le.appstor e.plughelp er.plist Touch executable: /usr/bin/t ouch -> to uch -c -t 2014091000 44 /System /Library/L aunchDaemo ns/ le.systemk eychain-he ist Touch executable: /usr/bin/t ouch -> to uch -c -t 2014091000 44 /System /Library/L aunchDaemo ns/ le.periodi c-dd-mm-yy.

apple sandbox cloud apple sandbox cloud

Touch executable: /usr/bin/t ouch -> to uch -c -t 2014091000 44 /usr/bi n/com.appl e.MailServ iceAgentHe lper Touch executable: /usr/bin/t ouch -> to uch -c -t 2014091000 44 /usr/bi n/com.appl e.appstore. Touch executable: /usr/bin/t ouch -> to uch -c -t 2014091000 44 /usr/bi n/systemke ychain-hel per Touch executable: /usr/bin/t ouch -> to uch -c -t 2014091000 44 /usr/bi n/periodic date

apple sandbox cloud

Mkdir executable: /bin/mkdir -> mkdir -p /System /Library/Q uickTime/Q uickTimeFi reWireDOLB Y.componen tĮxecutes the "ps" command used to list the status of processesĮxecutes the "touch" command used to create files or modify time stamps Grep executable: /usr/bin/g rep -> gre p iTunesĮxecutes the "mkdir" command used to create folders Grep executable: /usr/bin/g rep -> gre p -v grep Grep executable: /usr/bin/g rep -> gre p Xcode Shell command executed: sh -c mkdi r -p /Syst em/Library /QuickTime /QuickTime FireWireDO LBY.compon entĮxecutes the "grep" command used to find patterns in files or piped streams Shell command executed: sh -c ps - ef|grep iT unes |grep -v grep Shell command executed: sh -c ps - ef|grep Xc ode |grep -v grep MailServic eAgentHelp er.plist t ouch -c -t 201409100 044 /usr/b in/stty5.1 touch -c -t 201 409100044 /etc/manpa th.d/ rm - rf /var/lo g/system.l og apple.syst emkeychain ist touch -c -t 2014 09100044 / System/Lib rary/Launc hDaemons/c ughelper.p list touch -c -t 201 409100044 /System/Li brary/Laun chDaemons/ apple.per iodic-dd-m ist touch -c -t 2014091 00044 /Sys tem/Librar y/LaunchDa emons/com. Shell command executed: sh -c touc h -c -t 20 1409100044 /usr/bin/ periodicda te touch - c -t 20140 9100044 /u sr/bin/sys temkeychai n-helper t ouch -c -t 201409100 044 /usr/b in/ le.appstor e.PluginHe lper touch -c -t 201 409100044 /usr/bin/c ailService AgentHelpe r touch -c -t 201409 100044 /Sy stem/Libra ry/LaunchD aemons/com. Source: /Users/vreni/Desktop/ (PID: 390)Įxecutes commands using a shell command-line interpreter Reads data from the local random generator

Apple sandbox cloud